
Saturday, May 29, 2021

definition of words from tui article

 This weeks tasks were about tuis so one of our tasks where to create a visual to display 10 word that we have found on a tui article and the definition of each word. This task took me around 45 minutes.           What word was the most interesting to you and what words didn't you know?  

I hope you learnt something new!

Monday, May 24, 2021

9 facts about tuis

Our task for reading this week was around tuis. for this task we had to read an article about them and find 9 interesting facts about tuis and make a visual to displace them on.
What was the most interesting fact?
Have a great day.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Definition of some words from a road safety article

 As this week was road safety week our reading tasks were about road safety. For this task we had to read an article about road safety and chose ten words from the article and create a visual with the definition of each word. Which of these words did you not know before reading my blog post?

hope you like my post and learnt something new.


facts about new Zealand sign language

As it was sign language our reading tasks were made around sign language . One of them was to make a visual to give information about NZSL (New Zealand sign language). I made mine on a google doc and got the information off this website.
I hope you enjoyed my post and learnt something new.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

something random

 Did you know an easy was to turn on the red dot pointer thing on slides is to press  l just plain l 

I don't really know why I made this I just thought it would be something interesting.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

skydiving story

 Today's task for storytelling/writing was to write a five minute story about skydiving.

Here's my story  tell me what I should do next.

I felt he air whistling in my ear I looked down bellow the houses looked like grains of sand and the people were to small to see. I checked the thing that would break my fall my parachute and against my will jumped. The wind slapped my face as I screamed. I released my bright blue parachute and slowly drifted down to the ground like a leaf falling from a tree. I was nearly at the ground,  my feet thudded onto the thick vibrant green grass, I was safe. "I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN!!!" I said a bit too load the instructors stared at me as if   I was eating grass for a few moments before returning to their work. Skydiving in New Zealand | Things to see and do in New Zealand