
Sunday, December 6, 2020

would you rather

Would you rather only be able to see the world as cartoons or never be able to see cartoons again.

I would probably rather only be able to see the world as cartoons because you will still be able to see everything but it would just look different. 

but also if you could never see cartoons again, everything would still look the same you just wouldn't be able to see cartoons.

But would it be a blank space were a cartoon is or would it look different.

What do you think, witch would be better? 

Monday, November 23, 2020

What plants need.

 For one of this weeks activity's I made a poster using Canva have you used Canva before? ( click on this link if you want to try Canva)   

I hope you enjoy this post and have a great day. 

Sport with Nick

 Today (23,11,20) we played a fun game with Nick called make your choice. 

The game was a cross between cricket and baseball, you had two teams, One team would hit the ball and the other would catch the ball. The aim of the game for the hitting team was to hit the ball really far (or if you have tried to hit it the last three times then just run) and run around the cones ( each time you get to a cone is one point)  

The aim for the catching team was to get the ball as fast as they can and give it to the person on the white cone.

Hope you enjoyed this post.

Have you ever played this game?

Sunday, November 22, 2020

leadership day

 Last Thursday the year 7's (me) and the prefects went to Spencer park. At Spencer park we did five fun team activity's. In my team was Sophia, Laura, Cory, Cordell  and Alex. 

My first activity was a game when we would get into buddy's and  walk across a wire while holding another wire above/ beside you. Once you and your buddy got across you would have to try to walk across two wires with your buddy.

The second activity was when your whole team would be holding each others shoulder and the person in the front would be blind folded. So the rest of the team would have to guide the person in the front to pick up tennis balls, lay out mats and stand on wooden blocks.

For the next game we were split into two teams and we had to have our ares hooked the whole time and travel to the other side.

After those three games we had a break.

The next activity was my favourite, we had to climb up a slide in our socks.
We found out that the trick to doing that was to press you back against the top of the slide.  

                                            The second last rotation we did was this game that we got split into two teams and the had to climb up a hill under a rope climbing thing. unfortunately it started raining so it got really slippery.

 The final activity was my second favourite, we got into groups of three and had  to get everyone across on a flying fox.

After we had finished our rotations we had a  big lunch break 


Next we worked on a speech to explain, what we learned today, what we need to work on, what quality's we have and what we want to achieve next year.

 Then we split into two groups and took turns reading out speeches.

I really enjoyed leadership day and I got to learn so much about being a good team member.
does your school do a leadership day and what sounded like the funniest activity? 

What makes a good leader

 Hope you enjoy this post.

what quality's do have?

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Summary of pig heart boy chapter 21

One of this weeks reading activates is to create simple summary of a chapter of our book.

Chapter 21 is probably one of my favorite chapters from pig heart boy.                                                             Have you read pig heart boy? 

If you want to learn how to make a summary check out my post on how to make a summar

Monday, September 21, 2020

Ski trip to porters

 On the 21 of September 2020 we went on a school ski trip to porters. We came to school at 7:15 then left around 9:45 and drove to porters it took around 1 hour and 30 minutes to drive. After we had arrived we got our ski gear ready and got our passes  and got into our ski groups my lesson was not till 12. So I went on easy rider chairlift. After that I had lunch and met my instructor to the season. In my lesson i learned about shifting your weight to the inside ski and leaning to the inside as if you are bowing to the queen how is at the bottom of the chairlift. Then i went on the T bars for the first time and i went up to the top of the mountain then I skied down. When I had finished my lesson i went on a few jumps and went on the chairlift a few more times. Then we drove back at around 3 and our  fun day was over.

Unfortunately I cold not find any photos that I was in so here are some others.

Have you been to porters?

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 One of this weeks activates was to learn about summary's  and then create a step by step guide on how to make a summary. I made a google drawing. I hope you learn something new. 

Names in Maori

Thursday, September 10, 2020

counting in Tongan

 For Tongan language week I made a slide about how to count in Tongan.

Did you do anything for Tongan language week?

hope you enjoy and learn something new!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


 For reading I learned about onomatopoeia. I hope you enjoy this book creator book that I created.

Have a great day.

Monday, September 7, 2020


 This is a poster that I made for mindfulness. It is a few tips on how to handle the storms in life.

I hope you enjoy and that this post will someday help you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

good vs bad comments

 For cyber smart for the past two weeks we have been making a book on book creator about good and bad comments. i hope you enjoy.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

pig heart boy book cover

 For reading we are reading pig heart boy which is about a boy who had a problem with his heart so it needed to be replaced and his only chance was if it was replaced with a pig heart.

Have you read the book?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

week four vocabulary

 This is a week four activity that has the word ,definition ,a sentence and a picture for each word. hope you enjoy and learn something new.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

planting trees

 On Monday last week orchards at schools came to help room 21 plant trees and teach us about how to look after them. We planted two feijoa  trees, apple trees, pear trees and plum trees so in a year or so we can eat the fruit that they produce. It took a few hours to plant all of the trees and prune them.   

hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

water in Christchurch

For reading i made a poster using canva that explains where Christchurch water comes from and who looks after it.
i hope you enjoy and learn something new. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

underwater camera

for reading we learned about underwater cameras.
this is my design of and underwater camera hope you enjoy!

Monday, July 27, 2020

info about Malorie Blackman

This is a google  drawing about Malorie Blackman 
as we are reading pig heart boy which is a book by her. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

my pepeha

This is my pepeha they explain what our name and family name is and what our river and mountain is.
What is your pepeha?
Tell me in the comments below.
Hope you enjoy.

different types of animals

I hope you enjoy this slide show explaining the two main groups that animals are sorted into!
can you guess what group we humans are in?

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

my holidays

Here are the things that I did in the holidays with some pictures of the places I went!
Please share what you did in the holidays and who you did it with because I would love to know. 
Hope you enjoy   

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Here are ten oxymoron's and the meaning of oxymoron and where the word is from .
Hope you enjoy!
This is a reading task.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

facts about Egypt

for writing and inquiry we have been writing about a chosen country mine was Egypt.
you can see were i found the facts by clicking on the name of what the thing i will be writing about next.
i wrote it all myself but i manly just wrote the words from the website but i did add in some words of my own. hope you enjoy!!!

BIDMAS week 12 task one and two

this is two activity's for bidmas that i have done this week!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Iqbal diary entry

We had to write a diary entry for the book Iqbal using facts from the book hope you enjoy.

Monday, June 29, 2020

the ickabog drawing

this is a drawing of what i think the ickabog from the book by JK. Rowling looks like.
if you want to read the book then go to


we have been learning about BIDMAS ( brackets indices division multiplication addition subtraction) 
i did not finish it but i thought i would share it with you anyway.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

curious Zelda poem

I liked this poem and thought i would share it on my blog with you.
I did not make it it was made by curious Zelda.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


this is my BIDMAS practice!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

cat poem curios zelda

this is a cat poem by curious zelda that i liked and i thought you would to.

Iqbal info

We have been reading Iqbal for reading. 
This is a slide show with somethings about him.

BIDMAS 1 my 2 go

i tried BIDMAS 1 again and i got the same results.
i tried my BIDMAS task again and i got the same results but different questions!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


hope you learn something new


this is my 2 BIDMAS task this week I will try it again later and see if i improve
 i have got 6/12 correct 

i have got 9/12 correct 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

info about child labour

this is a slide about child labour we have been learning about it and we are reading the book iqbal 
have you read it ? hope you enjoy!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2020